
Making Sure Your Brand is Ready to Win at the First Moment of Truth

Bari Weinhausen headshot

by Bari Weinhausen

Senior Director of Qualitative Research

You have a great product — excellent! You’ve done your homework to validate that demand is there, to understand your key competitors, and to identify your target customers. So far, all signs are pointing toward success!

But … how do you know if your product will actually win when it hits the shelf? Yes, the shelf … the first moment of truth. For many marketers, the shelf represents uncertainty up until that very moment.

However, it doesn’t have to be this way. You can figure out how to win at that first moment before your product ever hits the market. From our experience, there two surefire ways to accomplish this. Qualitative package testing and simulated shelf display research can tell you exactly what you need to know and eliminate that uncertainty.

As a start point, it is important to understand that poor package design can, and often does, result in marketing failure. Remember the Starbucks holiday cup debacle?”

What Qualitative Package Testing Will Deliver

As a start point, it is important to understand that poor package design can, and often does, result in marketing failure. Remember the Starbucks holiday cup debacle?

By discussing your packaging with current and potential customers, you can ensure that it is …

  • Appealing
  • Consistent with your brand
  • Attention-getting (What does or can make it stand out?)
  • Communicating clearly (Are your messages getting through?)
  • Compelling (Is it delivering important information?)
  • Motivating (Will it drive purchase?)

Use your time and resources wisely by taking a good look at how your package will perform before it ‘goes live.’”

What a Simulated Shelf Display Will Deliver

Observing customer behavior “at the shelf” provides valuable insights into the first moment of truth. Simulated shelf display gives you a sneak peek into what behavior will look like, answering several key questions:

  • How are people shopping your category?
  • How much time are they spending evaluating options?
  • How are they using this time?
  • How are they interacting with products?
  • What are they looking at and for how long?

Following this with a moderated discussion about the experience adds further insight into…

  • What brands/products do they recall?
  • What stood out as compelling? Why?
  • How did they feel about the options available to them?
  • What, if anything, would they have purchased? Why?
  • How did other brand efforts and pre-shopping experience play a role?

The investment you make in these simple observations and conversations will pay significant dividends by ensuring that you are prepared to win at the first moment of truth.

Use your time and resources wisely by taking a good look at how your package will perform before it “goes live.” Make sure you’ve done all you can prior to launch to drive success at the cash register.

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