A leading brand of nutritional supplements sought to grow market share through a more sophisticated targeting strategy.
The brand team needed to support the organization’s growth plans by delivering a robust, in-depth look at the overall drivers and barriers to the category, the importance of product features and benefits, and brand awareness, usage and perceptions for its brand and key competitors.
More than 1200 adults (ages 18 to 70) who used at least two supplements were selected to participate in a 25-minute online survey. A Maximum Difference (Max Diff) trade-off exercise was used to pinpoint the needs that were most important. Max Diff forces participants to evaluate features against each other rather than one at a time.
Three segments were identified as priority targets, and additional deep dives of each segment were developed to guide the marketing team in messaging development.
The brand team now had a rigorous segmentation of the marketplace that included clear purchase journey insights to maximize marketing spend. Marketing messages could be created that would resonate with each target’s needs to drive purchases and category growth.