Case Study
A beverage brand was experiencing some dramatic shifts in consumption patterns among consumers during stay-at-home and work-at-home periods. The brand team wanted to deepen its understanding of what was driving theses shifts.
Business issue
Were consumers changing their consumption behavior in the short-term or long-term? This was the key question at stake to determine if new marketing strategies were needed.
Mixed Methodology approach
To dig deeper into the tensions that consumers were having around beverage consumption, Radius developed a two-phase approach to understand the trade-offs consumers were making.
Phase 1: Immersive Pop-Up Community
This approach helped identify why engagement with the beverage was shifting. Three 60-minute discussions among twenty-seven parents to understand the change in beverage routines and attitudes.
Phase 2: Consumption Tracker
This quantitative tracker measured the degree to which consumption behaviors were shifting. More than 1,500 consumers were part of the one-month tracking study.
Growth Outcome
The combination of the immersive “why” and the tracker “how much” provided the brand team with a holistic and nuanced understanding of why consumption patterns were trending up. Parents had more occasions to share the beverage with children as part of snacking and more meals together. The brand team’s challenge moving forward was clear: to sustain these meaningful occasions and connections that parents have come to value.
Reach out to us for more information on consumer consumption.