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Driving Category Leadership with a JPTD Innovation Research

Brad Weiss, Radius Insights, Radius Global Market Research 2021/10/brad-weiss-bio.jpg

by Brad Weiss-Holmes

Executive Vice President

Case Study

Business Issue

Our client, a leader in the household goods space, identified a promising growth opportunity in the laundry category, but lacked a comprehensive understanding of consumers’ Jobs-To-Be Done (JTBD) and the underlying tensions they face during the laundry process. Without this insight, the client was unable to effectively guide product innovation or develop a communication strategy that would position the brand for future category growth. We designed a JTBD innovation research program to help them prioritze key action strategies.

Custom Approach

To address this challenge, we implemented a two-phase, integrated research program combining qualitative exploration and quantitative validation:

  • Phase I: Qualitative Exploration
    Conducted six 90-minute virtual triad sessions with recent users and non-users and non-rejectors of laundry products. This phase aimed to uncover existing laundry habits, practices, and JTBD in the laundry category.
  • Phase II: Quantitative Validation
    Deployed an online survey to validate, size, and prioritize the most critical JTBD identified in Phase I. Results were plotted on a strategic quadrant to distinguish primary growth and leverageable opportunities within the product portfolio.
  • Research Integration
    Delivered a cohesive final report integrating qualitative and quantitative findings. The report provided actionable insights into consumer experiences and tensions, validating jobs to be done and informing the client’s innovation and communication strategies.

Growth Outcome

The integrated research revealed that the client could leverage its existing product portfolio to fulfill primary growth opportunities in the laundry category. Specifically, the insights supported repositioning the client as the leader in category opportunity areas. This strategic move is poised to drive category differentiation and strengthen the brand’s position against top competitors, fueling future growth and profitability.


Our JTBD approach helps brand teams identify the strongest ideas. Contact us to find out more.

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