Our client, a global manufacturer, needed to understand the overall appeal of a brand’s proposed line of products for expecting and new mothers. Looking for guidance on which products from the line to prioritize, direction on pricing, and more, the Radius team set out to connect with women of child-bearing age in the target demographic.
Through a Mixed Methodology approach that combined qualitative and quantitative research, we were able to provide insight to guide the brand team along their innovation journey towards product development and launch.
Building a research foundation
First, we worked with the client and stakeholders to build a knowledge base and gain alignment from the brand’s stakeholders.
We then set out to quantify and validate our research. We reached out to find a nationally representative panel of women of childbearing age to understand the brand’s concept and appeal. We asked the women a series of key questions designed to better understand:
- Their overall interest in the new brand concept
- Which products within the line appealed to them most
- Their opinions on combinations and number of products to include in the line
- How the optimal line might vary by stage of pregnancy or motherhood
- What price they would pay for each product in the line
Looking for guidance on which products from the line to prioritize, direction on pricing, and more, the Radius team set out to connect with women of child-bearing age in the target demographic.”
Digging in to find the “why”
With results from our quantitative research, we conducted qualitative interviews. Select respondents from the quantitative phase of research were recruited for in-depth follow-up. These interviews helped the brand team understand the “why” behind survey answers in the quantitative phase of the study and helped to build deeper understanding of the women’s product choices.
The data and insights we uncovered helped us include the voice of the customer in our recommendations for developing the new product line. Our strategic recommendations included the optimal product line at each stage of pregnancy (planning to conceive, pregnant, and postpartum) along with specific data and thoughts on:
- Which products were most likely to be purchased by women of childbearing age
- How product combinations appealed to the greatest number of women
- Ways top products and product combinations differed at each stage of pregnancy
- Pricing strategy guidance for products tested
Our Mixed Methodology research also helped the brand recognize that success for this product line might hinge on establishing trust with their target demographic while communicating brand differentiation clearly. They also understood that additional research could help them build on these key findings.
Mixed Methodology delivered the quantifiable information needed to make recommendations on the product line and the deeper insights required to inform their decisions on issues that are most critical to their target consumers.”
Mixed Methodology delivered the quantifiable information needed to make recommendations on the product line and the deeper insights required to inform their decisions on issues that are most critical to their target consumers. This guidance gave them specific direction and helped their innovation process as they continued to optimize the brand concepts and potential product line.
Read a recent case study on consumption to find out more about our Mixed Methodology approach.
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