Bari Weinhausen intended to follow in the footsteps of her mother, grandmother, and sister to become a teacher. She earned an associate degree from the University of Florida and a bachelor’s degree in education from Nova Southeastern University. However, when she graduated, she found she was entering the market just as school districts in the region called for one hiring freeze after another. Subbing while she looked for a full-time position, she discovered an opportunity in research and never looked back.
Channeling a passion for learning and teaching into a career in qualitative research.
Growing up with a love of libraries and synthesizing information helped Bari land a job at Profile Marketing Research in Florida. Her first day was September 26th, 1995, and she’s been there ever since (Profile Marketing Research was purchased by Radius in 2013.) Experienced in qualitative and quantitative methodologies, Bari has a passion for moderating and developing custom solutions for clients. “There are a lot of similarities between education and the work I do as a researcher and moderator,” says Bari. “Both allow me to satisfy my curiosity and continue learning while helping others. And managing a focus group is very similar to managing a classroom, both tap into the same skillset.”
Bari worked through the ranks at Profile, growing with the company and exploring various roles. The transition to Radius gave Bari an opportunity to build a strong qualitative division from scratch, starting with a single moderator and multiplying qualitative projects year after year by helping the Radius team find new ways to offer qualitative research to complement quantitative initiatives. Bari is now the Senior Director of Qualitative Research at Radius, and the qualitative team works on almost half of all research projects commissioned annually.
Powerful Voice of the Customer insights give clients clearer activation options.
Bari approaches each study with the same goal: To determine the best design for custom research based on the client’s business issues and to provide insights that will have a meaningful impact on the actions clients take. With deep experience managing research projects for global brands, Radius team members understand what research can deliver and how to best execute it to meet client needs. The process begins with a discussion around the business issue the research is looking to solve to ensure the program focuses on uncovering actionable strategies.
“One of the great advantages of qualitative research is the engagement clients can have with their customers and/or prospects,” notes Bari. “Immersive sessions give clients an opportunity to experience the voice of the consumer first-hand, in real time. We have our own proprietary platform called Radius Live™ which allows clients to watch a live stream of webcam research as it is being conducted. Because the client and the session participants are on two different platforms, there is never a chance of them intermingling, so clients can have engaging, backroom conversations even in an online platform.”
Bari and the team feel a deep commitment to providing a custom solution to each client. “We are always considering new approaches to gain deeper insights. For example, we’ve developed a methodology called Shopumentaries where we send people into a store and have them share a personal story about their experience via video on their phones,” she says. To ensure participation from consumers who are busy — or reluctant to attend focus groups — Radius has adopted approaches for participating in research via alternative methods such as on mobile phones, via video, voice, or text.
Beyond work, the dialogue continues.
Bari enjoys the community of qualitative researchers. She has been active in groups like the Qualitative Research Consultants Association, and welcomes opportunities to share techniques, strategies, and professional wisdom with other moderators. “It’s a great dynamic where professionals get together and share ideas that strengthen our overall approach to the work we do.”
In addition to her work at Radius, Bari is a big advocate for dog rescue, always having at least two adopted pups at home with her and in the office.
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