
In-Context Consumer Learning and Team Ideation: 7 days to insights

Shari Aaron, Radius Insights, Radius Global Market Research 2021/08/shari-aaron-bio.jpg

by Shari Aaron

Executive Vice President, Growth & Innovation


Since we launched Innovation Sprint in mid-2020, leading brands have used our tech-forward collaborative approach to accelerate their development timelines and launch new products and services. This breakthrough insights approach is built on a framework of custom modules so it can be tailored to each brand’s specific issues and needs. Discover in this case study how Innovation Sprint helped a brand uncover how to grow in a new space.

Business Issue:

A personal and healthcare products manufacturer was moving into the children’s space, and wanted a deep dive into the role parents play in helping their children with sleep issues, and the impact of a sleepless child on the family. Our goal was to identify new opportunities and ideate.

Dozens of ideas were created, and the final overnight feedback gave the team direction on how to proceed to grow their presence in this new space.”

Custom Sprint Approach:

We leveraged our qual-quant expertise to build a holistic learning plan. It combined in-context consumer learning through
an online bulletin board and a 3-day team immersion and ideation session.

  • Phase 1: A 3-day Online Bulletin Board among moms with sick kids and moms with sleepless kids
  • Phase 2: A 3-day team Shopping Mission and Ideation Session to identify consumer and instore insights and potential concepts
  • Phase 3:  Overnight Rapid Read Quantitative Study to validate the top 15 concepts
  • Phase 4: Team review of quantitative results and final concept optimization

Growth Outcome:

The brand team gained a holistic in-home and in-store perspective of the consumer options and behaviors, pain points, needs and wants. Dozens of ideas were created, and the final overnight feedback gave the team direction on how to proceed to grow their presence in this new space.

Learn more about Innovation Sprint and why it’s the insights approach of choice for leading brands in all industries.

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